Does memories travel in DNA?

Does memories travel in DNA?

Does memories travel in DNA

What had all along been thought to be a superstition or the fantasy of an imaginative scriptwriter might very well be true. It is now coming to light that memories can actually pass through generations through DNA. This could explain why some people know things they never learned.

It is possible that our most basic survival instincts might come from some long ago trauma experienced by a dead relative.

Memories would have to shape the genetic material in a way that can be carried on to our children. You would have to have the memories before you have children, and they would have to have impacted your genetic material in a way that would be manifested in the genetic material of your child. If that hasn’t happened, then there is nothing to unlock the memories. 

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Rodents have been shown to breed-learn into the next generation. If rodents find themselves in a certain maze, and their parents learned some things about the maze, then the little rodents don’t have to start from scratch. So, it is possible to have some memory in your genetic material.

Instinct could be considered a form of memory from our ancestors. Instinct is carried in the genes and shapes your brain in a certain way. So it could be considered a simple form of genetic memory.

There is a possibility that genetic memory is linked to intergenerational trauma and the transmission of historical oppression.  If your trauma is severe, it could impact your generational material depending on the condition of what your body is in. It is biologically plausible for those kinds of memories to be passed on.

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Memories may be passed down through generations via DNA in a process that may be the underlying cause of phobias. Previous research found that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences to subsequent generations.

The results may help explain why people suffer from irrational phobias. It may be based on the inherited experiences of their ancestors. So fear of spiders may in fact be a defence mechanism inherited by ancestors’ frightening encounter with an arachnid.

These findings could help explain, if not treat various disorders, such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress.

Talented people who are gifted without rigorous training might have also received these talents from one of their ancestors such as playing an instrument, or math, or problem-solving skills.

More research is still needed to fully understand genetic memory.

Author: amarchan

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