

Dear G, On my 40th birthday i can’t thank you enough for the transformation you brought in me. I am on holistic journey with you from the last 14 months You know so well how
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I met Amar Chandel (his students call him G) a year ago. I wanted to learn more about holistic health and took a 3 day class in Berkeley with him.  G lives in Punjab and travels the world teaching the holistic way of life. I hear all the time how processed foods aren’t good for […]
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Ashish jha

This is Ashish jha from darbhanga, small town in Bihar. First thing first ‘Everything except death can be cured. The more the damage, the harder we have to work to repair it’ These lines by our beloved G should be the hope in lives of millions of people who are suffering unknowingly from disease,
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Adarsh Suri

The general belief is that fat people are merry-go-lucky type guys who laugh a lot and are fun to be with. If you believe me, nothing could be farther from the truth. If at all they laugh, it is to hide their pain and embarrassment. I am saying all that from my personal experience. I […]
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Rohit and Vinita Grover

Hi, We are Rohit and Vinita. We met Guru Ji on recommendation of Pawan Sir, who is the tennis coach of my two sons nearly 4 years ago. Since then, there is a tremendous positive change in our lives. There were some medical problems of ours, which lead us to him. I was having a […]
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Ram and Seema Chugh

We feel fortunate and blessed in having known you. Taking the first course with you created a new awareness within us about healthy eating and healthy living. My wife Seema and I had read  a great number of books and listened to many lectures on healthy eating before we met you.  We were reluctant to […]
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Ishank Gupta

  My story begins like this: Since childhood i used to pray to God and ask for a lot of wishes . And every day i used to think that one day he’l send someone , an angel who will do the magic and make me happy. It was a long wait before one day […]
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